Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What Was I Thinking?

Sorry, but still no luck with posting a picture which means you won't be able to enjoy the beautiful shades of blue of 30 fake ice cubes.  Another catalog purchase that seemed like a good idea at the time.  Don't know why.  I rarely use ice cubes since I like my drinks room temperature, and guests have all turned them down when offered.  They have been in my freezer for about two years. 

The other two items are also "what was I thinking" catalog purchases.  One is a small plastic bottle with a spritzer on top called NuBrush.  When spritzed on your toothbrush it's supposed to keep it clean.  From what they don't say.  It's  been on my bathroom sink, next to the toothbrush holder of course, for a very long time.  Used it once.  I usually soak my toothbrushes in a small glass of hydrogen peroxide when I think they need it.

The latest acquisition was a battery operated fingernail file.  I know you're chuckling because I am too.  All three gone.  Out, out, out. 

1 comment:

  1. We've been cleaning out quite a bit too! I have lots of "what was I thinking!" Items now available at our local Goodwill!
